
Additives and Hyperactivity

Colours   Food Additives with  Hyperactivity   The child shows signs of hyperactivity or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), you should try to avoid giving your child the following artificial colour's, because this might help improve their  behaviour Sunset yellow Quinoline yellow Carmoisine Allura red Tartrazine Ponceau   These colours are used in a number of foods, including soft drinks, sweets, cakes and ice cream. When colours are used in food, they must be declared in the list of ingredients as ‘colours’, plus either their name or E number. ( E110), (E104),(E122), (E129), (E102)and  4R (E124) If any of the six colours listed above are in the  food or drink , the food label must also have a specific warning saying that the colours ‘may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. If you choose to avoid certain additives, you can do this by checking the label . If you buy any foods that are sol...


High Consumption of  Sugar With  Hyperactivity During the years working in the area of the educational Pre-school, I saw excessive consumption of sugar in the different foods such as juice of bottle, fruit desserts, cookies, Candies sweet biscuits and many early consuming gum which were part of this come from their homes also offered in the school with frequently. I found this search of the consumption of sugar and beverages that determine mental health problems especially in this stage of the children with hyperactivity.  Which, I support in that research of study. High Consumption of Sugar with Mental Health problems By British Journal of Medicine Study links. A group of teenagers from consumed sugar drinks recorded many mental problems including hyperactivity and anguish, reported Norwegian researchers. A study of more than 5,000 young people from 15 to 16 years showed a clear and direct partnership between intake of soft drinks and hyperactivity and a mor...

Hyperactivity ADHD

What is Exactly Hyperactivity? Hyperactivity is a general term used to describe behavioral difficulties affecting learning, memory, movement, language, emotional responses, and sleep patterns. In the context of this advice, it is when a child is overactive, can not concentrate, and acts on sudden wishes without thinking about alternatives. T he Experts think it affects the figures are higher in the United States. and 2 to 5% of children in the US ADHD is more than just hyperactive behavior. It is linked to a specific pattern of behavior, including reduced attention span and difficulties concentrating such that they affect the child’s ability to learn and function at school and at home Children with ADHD often have learning difficulties and behavioral problems. But It is important to remember that hyperactivity is also associated with many other factors in addition to additives. These include premature birth, genetics, and the upbringing of the woman. But pare...